Pupil Premium Plus

Looked After Children

Pupil Premium Plus money goes to the Virtual School for Looked After Children to be allocated to schools to promote the education of looked after children.
Schools are allocated £1200 per looked after child.
The rest is held by the Virtual School to provide funding for crisis situations, additional resources and to provide centrally managed resources. Over the past two years the centrally held fund has been used to provide:
  • a counselling service for LAC
  • Additional educational support
  • additional educational psychology support
  • a teaching assistant apprentice
  • funding support and educational provision for children in crisis
We are also hoping to be able to provide more support around attachment issues in schools.
The fund can be applied to via the Personal Education Plan (There is an application form at the back of the PEP). Schools and social workers can also apply for funding between PEPs using the form from the back of the PEP. All Pupil Premium Plus applications should be discussed with the child’s care team prior to being submitted.
Applications for Pupil Premium Plus funding are considered at a monthly panel chaired by the Virtual School Head.

Adopted Children and Children Permanently Placed under SGO

The Pupil Premium funding for adopted and other permanently placed children is currently allocated directly to schools and is to be used to improve educational outcomes for this group of children. Schools will usually send out a letter asking parents to declare if their child is adopted or under a residence or special guardianship order. The school can then apply for the Pupil Premium funding for that child on that basis via the annual school census.