Special Educational Needs
SEND Special educational Needs and Disabilities can refer to children who have one or more of the following:
Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
Learning difficulties
Communication and interaction needs
Sensory and/or physical disabilities and needs
Other medical conditions
EHC Plans – Education Health and Care Plans
The majority of children identified as having special educational needs do not have an EHC plan. Their needs will usually be met through additional support using resources and staffing from within their mainstream school.
Education Health and Care Plans for 0 to 25 years olds replace the Statements for SEN. The purpose of the EHC plan is to set out the support a child needs for their SEN. It may include education, health and social care support, but only if it is linked to their SEN.
An assessment for an EHC Plan should be started if the support offered by school has been implemented and has had little impact on the progress or wellbeing of the child.
If you are concerned about whether your child may have SEN the best person to talk to is the school SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator).