Personal Education Plans

It is a statutory requirement for all Looked After Children aged from age 3 (attending nursery) to 18 to have a Personal education Plan (PEP). The PEP is part of the child’s care plan. It is an important tool in ensuring your foster child gets the support they are entitled to in school. If a child has a Statement or EHCP this paperwork should be included with the PEP.
There are two types of PEP form:
  • Nursery Age (September after 3rd Birthday)  to Year 11
  • Post Year 11 to 18 Years of Age (Looked After Children)
The PEP should be completed at a meeting involving the following people:
  • The school’s Designated Teacher for Looked After Children
  • The foster carer
  • The child’s social worker
  • The child (if appropriate)

The initial PEP should be completed within 10 school days of the child becoming looked after.
It then needs to be reviewed every 6 months. The PEP review should also be completed at a meeting including the people mentioned above.