Emotional Wellbeing

We use a neurodevelopmental approach that aims to promote emotional growth, build positive relationships and help address past experiences.

We have a team of counsellors that provide emotional support to children, young people, their carers and families. One of our counsellors is trained in Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP) which is an approach that is especially helpful for children, young people and families that may have experienced past trauma.

Our Occupational Therapist helps young people and their families to understand what might be having an impact on their ability to engage in day to day life. This may be exploring how their life experiences have disrupted their development. She supports children and young people to develop regulation skills and manage emotions both at home and school using sensory based approaches. She is completing Level 1 in Sensory Attachment Intervention.

Our Educational Psychologists are trained in ‘Theraplay’, ‘Video Interaction Guidance’ and ‘The Thrive Approach’ which all support with building positive relationships at school and home.

We also have teachers trained in ‘The Thrive Approach’ and ‘Drawing and Talking’ as we know that if we can help children to feel safe and be able to express their feelings, then they are more likely to be able to engage in learning.

Who’s Who?


Karen Logan is the Manager of the therapeutic HIVE services, she is a qualified counsellor/supervisor implementing a therapeutic integrative approach to counselling young people, their carers and families experiencing a range of emotional needs. Karen also offers advice, guidance, and support to foster carers and social workers within Children’s services. She is trained in Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP) to Levels 1 & 2 and is currently undertaking her practicum in DDP. 

Melanie Rawlinson and Marie Hulme are qualified Trauma counsellors offering a person centred approach to children, young people and their families that experience a range of emotional needs. They also offer advice, guidance and support to foster carers and have both completed level 1 & 2 in DDP. Mel is currently undertaking a Therapeutic Life Story Diploma.

Occupational Therapists

Ailsa Hutchinson, Alison Dulson and Roz Knox are all Advanced occupational therapists specialising in sensory attachment and sensory integration. They have studied extensively and worked across school, social care and health services to help develop their knowledge of the impact of trauma on young people and families. They are keen to explore and understand how a young person’s experiences have impacted on their life and to explore with young people what is helpful to overcome these obstacles to participation in daily life.

Ailsa has completed Sensory Attachment Intervention Level 1 and is a Sensory Integration practitioner. She has also completed the Child Assessment of Play and Attachment and is trained to level 1 in DDP. Alison, has post-graduate training in sensory integration (post grad cert/sensory integration practitioner status) and is also trained in the ‘Just Right State’, a sensory attachment intervention.

Clinical Psychologist

Senior Clinical Psychologist Dr Stevie Kelly provides a Clinical Psychology perspective and is involved in the assessment of children who are at higher risk of developing or exhibiting mental health problems.

Mental Health Practitioner

Robert Stobie is based within CAMHS and works mainly with cases known to the local authority who are either Child in Care, on a Child Protection Plan or a Child in Need. He links closely with The HIVE Team.

Educational Psychologists

Our Educational Psychologists offer support delivering a range of therapeutic interventions including intervention informed by the principles of Theraplay®, Video Interaction Guidance (VIG) and the Thrive® approach.

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Therapists

Anna Laverty and Michael Wood are both trainee CBT therapists. They work at a High Intensity level, which means that they work with children and young people who have had difficulties for many months. 


Our teachers also offer therapeutic interventions including Drawing and Talking, psychoeducation, Group Theraplay® and the Thrive® approach.